TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Burned!
People Seeking Info

Subject Burned!
Posted by Beachy on November 22, 2011 at 9:02 PM
  This message has been viewed 1135 times.
Message Tonight, I had never been so excited to start a car. I had installed much of the performance parts I had bought for my Z that I had ordered while deployed to Iraq- new injectors, chip, wheels, etc. I tried to start it, but it wouldn't. After a few tries, it caught on fire. Luckily, the fire department arrived in time to save the garage, and most of my Z.

It's not quite like I have to start over, but it sure feels like it right now. All the wiring and hoses are ruined, the hood needs to be repainted, and the windshield is cracked. I imagine it will take at least a thousand dollars to repair or replace all the damaged parts, and who knows how long it will take to finish?

Like I have said before, my work is really cut out for me.







Wish me luck! My landlord's garage was undamaged except for some wiring above the car for lighting. Fortunately, I bought a used motor from Sean Farrah a few years ago, and so I will not have to worry about the timing belt and cover any time soon. The engine wiring harness should be fun to source and purchase (it only had about 10k miles on it), and the hoses and everything should be a lot of fun too. On the bright side, it took until two weeks after coming home to feel depressed. Also on the bright side, I will enjoy working on my Z a lot more in the new workshop I am buying with a detached house. So, after I put a fence in for my dogs, the Z will see attention again- probably around February or March.

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